China University of Science and Technology to carry out nano-fiber signal transmission research

Recently, the University of Science and Technology of China Institute of Optics and Optoelectronics Engineering Key Laboratory of optoelectronics science and technology in Anhui Province, Minghai, Professor Wang Pei Micronanopatum optical and technology research group associate Professor Zhang Douguo and Energy Chemistry Collaborative Innovation Center, Chemistry and Materials Science Professor Zou Gang, Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering, College of Science, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Dr. Chen Junxue, a professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, proposed a new optical mode: one-dimensional buluo existing in multi-layer dielectric film and nanofiber composite structure He surface wave (BSW-1D). Using this mode successfully solves the technical problem that the ultrafine polymer nano fiber can not transmit the optical signal on the conventional substrate.

According to reports, the research team used the structural parameters of the well-designed multi-layer dielectric film-supported polymer nanofibers, with the multi-layer photonic bandgap photonic band gap to prevent optical leakage in the nanofiber. Experimental results show that very thin nanofibers can transmit optical signals on the multi-layered dielectric film. The transmission mode is the newly discovered one-dimensional Bloch surface wave, BSW-1D mode. The study is applicable to a variety of polymer nanofibers, which have good biocompatibility and can be doped with a variety of fluorophores to produce a variety of novel nanophotonics devices.

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