Chinese auto parts industry should adapt to international industry development

Professor He Desheng, executive director of the China Automotive Engineering Society and professor of Automotive Engineering at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, was very pleased when interviewed by reporters: "The Automobile Industry Development Policy," Chapter 8, "Components and Related Industries" (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the eighth chapter") ) Standing at the height of the automotive industry globalization, pointed out the development direction of China's auto parts industry: 'adapt to international industrial development trends', 'to meet the needs of domestic and foreign markets', and 'try to enter the international auto parts industry procurement system'. This is a glorious task. Although there are no terms such as 'domesticization' and 'real estate' in the eighth chapter, they all reflect the spirit of strengthening independent development. It should be said that its meaning is less than 'localization' and 'real estate'. "To be more comprehensive, more open, and more in line with the history and status quo of China's auto industry, it is strategic."

According to the actual situation of the Chinese auto parts industry, He Desheng specifically divided its meaning into three levels:

The first is to participate in the development of the main plant. This is an extremely crucial step in upgrading the auto parts industry in China. Without high-performance, high-quality parts, it is impossible to have high-performance, high-quality vehicles. Conversely, with high-performance, high-quality components, high-performance, high-quality vehicles are not necessarily available. This is because there are performance and structure matching issues. For example, a certain brand of domestic cars is designed by an internationally renowned design company and uses many high-quality spare parts from abroad. However, it does not have the best overall vehicle performance. The reason is that these high-quality parts and vehicles do not match well and the design coordination is very good. difference. Therefore, the development of parts and components should be closely integrated with the development of the entire vehicle, and the two should be synchronized together. Only in this way can we achieve good results. In this regard, there is a big gap between China and the developed countries in the automotive industry. The eighth chapter points out the key points of China's auto parts industry.

Secondly, the development of the parts and components industry, in addition to being closely related to the entire vehicle, still requires a lot of professional and basic work to do. In particular, some key components with high technological content, such as EFI, airbags, ABS, and new energy engines, have a lot of vertical professional technical work to study. As a big country in the automotive industry, China must have system development capabilities for key parts and components. It must be provided by specialized component companies in a systematic and modular manner to meet the equipment needs of the vehicle. This is also the practice of the developed countries in the automotive industry.

Third, the production of general parts and components must establish production lines and management systems in accordance with international standards, form a scale, continuously improve quality, reduce costs, and enter the international procurement system.

He Desheng said: "Chapter VIII stipulates the responsibilities of the government, completely changing the management model of the auto industry and the development of the automotive industry. In the component industry investment model, Chapter VIII has completely changed the situation in which state-owned assets are left alone, as long as they are integrated into the international procurement system, they will be supported by national policies, which best reflects the World Trade Organization. the rules."

Referring to the relevant industries in Chapter 8, He Desheng said: "The development of related industries is one of the major issues that China's auto industry needs to solve urgently. If it is said that the slow development of China's auto technology can not meet the needs of market development, then China's auto-related The slower development of the industry has even constrained the development of the Chinese auto industry, not because the relevant industries are unwilling to contribute to the development of the Chinese auto industry, but there is a lack of coordination and communication among the industries. This is an unavoidable issue.The eighth chapter of the "Automobile Industry Development Policy", "Parts and Related Industries" stands at the height of the national overall planning and sets out tasks for various related industries, fully demonstrating that the automobile industry has risen to the national pillar industry. Its status fully demonstrates that the problems of the automotive industry are not problems that a single industry can solve alone, and fully demonstrate that the development of the automobile industry must be coordinated and supported by the country's overall planning, and the development of the automobile industry in some developed countries. Included in the presidential plan is because Is the cause of the country, is an important indicator of overall technological development of the country. "

He Desheng said: "As long as the relevant parties implement the above policies, China's auto parts and related industries will be booming."

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