Analysis of high-concentration wastewater treatment: efficient anaerobic reactor

Industrial wastewater sources wide variety, with the improvement of industrial production technology, the composition of industrial wastewater has become diverse. One of the high aerobic pollutants, toxic pollutants so that the characteristics of industrial wastewater embodied in three areas: high concentration, high ammonia, refractory.

1 Overview

High concentration refers to the wastewater contains more organic matter, characterized by higher COD values, often over ten thousand. For such waste water relying solely on aerobic biological treatment is unable to achieve discharge standards. High ammonia nitrogen refers to the water contains NH4 + higher, its anaerobic methane production process has a very strong inhibitory effect. Refractory refers to the wastewater can be directly used by microorganisms less components, B / C value is low, not suitable for biochemical treatment, often require pretreatment to improve its biochemical. After years of research, water treatment workers have more mature technology for the treatment of industrial wastewater with the above characteristics of a single aspect. However, with the industrialization of production and diversification of products, industrial wastewater now often has the above three characteristics, the original mature processing technology has been far from meeting the discharge requirements of such wastewater. At the same time, the public is increasingly aware of environmental protection, the state attaches increasing importance to environmental issues, laws and regulations are also more stringent, the existence of such a waste of water is enough to impede the development and expansion of a business as each of these enterprises facing the bottlenecks. According to the characteristics of water quality of this kind of industrial wastewater, the main body relies on the biological treatment method and adopts the newly developed wastewater treatment technology to design a high-efficiency anaerobic reactor (HAF) + bioreactor (FSBBR) + enhanced membrane bioreactor ), A series of on-site experiments were conducted on various industrial wastewater with high concentration and high nitrogen and nitrogen, which have been successfully tested. The related pollution control technologies have been verified in practice. The technology is suitable for pharmaceutical wastewater, chemical plant sewage, hospital sewage, slaughterhouse sewage, paper mill wastewater, printing and dyeing plant wastewater, tannery wastewater, etc., at the same time according to different industries wastewater characteristics and water quality conditions for optimal combination to achieve the most Good treatment effect. Compared with the traditional processing technology, its technology is high in technology, high in input-output ratio, short in construction time, quick in effect, small in area and significant in actual operation.

2 advantages of technical profile

2.1 HAF (Hybrid Anaerobic Filter) efficient anaerobic reactor

The anaerobic biofilter is an anaerobic reactor that is internally filled with a packing material for microbial attachment. The filler is submerged in water and the microorganisms attach to the filler. The waste water enters the reactor from the lower part and passes through the packed bed. Under the action of the anaerobic microorganisms, the organic substances in the wastewater are anaerobically decomposed. Anaerobic biofilters have a large impact load capacity, generally think that in the same temperature conditions, anaerobic biofilter load can be higher than other anaerobic exposure and other processes 2-3 times, at the same time there will be a higher COD removal rate. HAF efficient anaerobic reactor has the following characteristics:

â‘  COD removal rate of more than 80%;

â‘¡ quick start, COD removal rate after 2 weeks can reach more than 60%, and no need to inoculate anaerobic sludge;

â‘¢ room temperature operation, anti-impact load capacity;

â‘£ do not adjust the PH value, save drug costs;

⑤ can be intermittent operation;

â‘¥ anti-clogging ability;

⑦ without special management.

2.2 FSBBR (Flow Separate Bed Bio-react) bioreactor bioreactor

FSBBR is a biofilm reactor. A new type of biofilm is added into the reactor. The biofilm is covered on the surface of the packing material. Organic matter is degraded by microorganisms while it diffuses in the biofilm. Filler in the operation of the FSBBR pool is anaerobic, and oxygen, aerobic and changing environment.

2.2.1 Technical Overview:

The phenomenon of "flow-off" is a natural phenomenon. There are always places where fluids flow at different speeds and flow rates. Solid and organic colloids always flow slowly from one side of the flow to the other Concentrated on one side, this phenomenon is called "out of". "Displacement" is a new technology that originated from organic wastewater treatment in recent years. This purification technology has no pressure and only needs a little water flow. Float in sewage water gradually concentrates on the place where the flow rate is slow and causes the phenomenon of flow leaving. After numerous times of separation, so that the sewage solids and organic colloids and water separation, the final water flow from the biochemical pool stay a few hours, while the impurities stay for a few days or weeks, the biological bacteria attached biodegradation, into H2O , CO2, N2, as long as the primary sedimentation tank to remove dissolved inorganic matter, there is no sludge generated to achieve a variety of water treatment effects, while forming a flow of biochemical technology. 2.2.2 Performance of Biochemical Technology:

The smaller the angle between the filler and the horizontal plane, the more redistribution of water flow. The more contact between microorganisms and organic matter, the better the removal of CODcr and BOD5. The actual operation of the filter packing can play a role in migration, the growth of microorganisms fast, start-up time is short, can maintain a high biochemical capacity.

2.2.3 Technology Features:

â‘  As a result of a fixed packing, completely solve the problem of sludge expansion, and improve the system's impact load capacity. Without activated sludge bacteria can be self-hanging film, the growth of microorganisms fast, so start-up time is short.

â‘¡ packing into the water into a small angle, full contact, soluble CODcr removal rate of up to 70-98%, due to the presence of filler on the bubble cutting, you can make oxygen utilization increased to 16%

â‘¢ aeration system using perforated pipe to solve the aeration head easy to replace the need to replace the problem, saving investment, easy maintenance, service life of up to 20 years.

â‘£ separate HRT and SRT, solid residence time of up to 20 days, is conducive to the growth of nitrifying bacteria, have a good effect of denitrification;

⑤ Different from the traditional bioreactor with activated sludge method, FSBBR process can form a complete food chain, and through the gradual degradation of microorganisms, the organic pollutants in the water are thoroughly removed. Its fundamental difference with a single biological environment lies in relying on a complete food chain step by step degradation of sludge, which greatly reduce the sludge emissions, and produce a small amount of sludge pump only need regular out-delivery can be fundamentally Sludge to solve a large number of peculiar smell and handle the system's complex operation and management, reducing costs.

â‘¥ The new bio-carrier was used in the aerobic, anaerobic and anoxic phases to control nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria in the same structure by controlling the reflux of the mixed liquor. Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification were successfully achieved, Improve the removal of ammonia nitrogen to enhance the ability of phosphorus treatment.

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