Sand gold ore crushing grinding usually not required, compared with the gold veins, can save a lot of investment in equipment and operating costs. The ore preparation work before the gold selection is mainly screening, grading and washing. In order to separate the rock into monomer particles and completely separate the valuable mineral particles, the gold ore mine also needs to be disintegrated, but generally no separate process is required. If the gold deposit is mined by hydraulic mining, the disintegration of the rock is basically completed during the mining process. When other mining methods are used, rock decomposition and grading, washing operations are often carried out in the same equipment (for example, flat screens or drums).
     The ratio of the maximum particle size of the gangue to the minimum grain size of the gold in the gold deposit can be several thousand times, and the large gravel usually does not contain gold. Through the grading operation, the metal-free boulders and gravel can be separated, thereby greatly reducing the volume of the candidate material.
     The disintegration operation requires a certain amount of power. The power consumption per unit weight of material is the standard for the strength of equipment disintegration. The more sticky the material being processed, the more power I need. According to the difficulty of material disintegration and washing, sand gold ore can be divided into easily washable (gravel-pebbled) ore, medium washable (with a small amount of clay ) ore and hard-washed mud (including a large amount of clay) ore.
     Production practice shows that in the gold ore dressing process, washing and grading is a key link. The washing is not clean, the metal loss is serious, and the mud group destroys the sorting operation, resulting in a decrease in recovery rate and gold production. The classification is not good, the coarse and fine grades are mixed, and the sorting effect is not good. Based on the systematic analysis of the grain size composition of the ore and the distribution rate of gold, a practical washing and grading scheme should be formulated based on the specific conditions of each mine.
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