Application of special flotation

(I) Ion flotation of copper smelting wastewater When ionic yellow flotation is used for ion flotation, the amount of yellow medicinal is equivalent to Cu 2+ and Pb 2+ , and the equivalent ratio of Cd 2+ is 1.5 to 2.0. Treatment water having a Cd 2+ ≤ 0.05 mg · liter -1 can be obtained.
The ion flotation method using xanthate is worried that the residual xanthate in the treated water is too high, which affects the quality of the treated water. The above process can be used to treat COD in water up to 20 mg · l -1 , which meets the discharge requirements, but the treatment water is slightly yellow. When mixed with other drainage and neutralized, the final treatment water is transparent and clear.
(II) IPU flotation The so-called IPU flotation is the abbreviation of ion flotation-precipitate flotation-Uitra fine particlotation.
For example, in lead-zinc processing plant, the thickener overflow zinc concentrate containing copper, zinc, cyanide, cadmium, xanthate and a frother, flow of the process in Fig. 18 can be used.
(C) adsorbing a low concentration of radioactive waste flotation nuclear fuel reprocessing process, a low concentration of radioactive waste discharged, contain uranium fission products which have long half-life of strontium, cesium, cerium, ruthenium, zirconium five kinds.

They can be selectively separated by adsorption flotation. The adsorption flotation process is shown in Figure 19.

As can be seen from the figure, the first stage is carried out by using Fe(OH) 3 as an adsorption carrier, sodium oleate as a collector, and pH of 6.0 to 8.0. Floated 144 Ce, 106 Ru, y5 Zr ; second stage adsorption carrier is calcium phosphate, sodium naphthenate as collector, float 90 Sr at a pH of 10.5 to 11.0 under the conditions; the third stage is iron-cobalt cyanide as ethylene adsorption carrier, octadecyl amine acetate as collector, float 37 Cs 7.0 to 9.0 in pH conditions.
The removal rate of various radioactive materials is high, and the amount of slag is greatly reduced compared with the conventional flocculation precipitation method.

Steel Structure

Tower Crane Steel Structure, regarded as the main parts of tower crane, refers to the tower crane jib, tower crane counter jib, tower head, tower crane Telescoping Cage, tower crane turning table,tower crane pull rod, tower crane Mast Section, tower crane Fixing Angle, ect. Steel Structure is made of steel, which fits the name.

Tower crane jib is a metal lattice structure of a normally triangular section, whose main mission is to provide the crane with the necessary radius or range. It is also called a jib. Like the mast, it usually has a modular structure to facilitate its transport.

The Anchorage Frame secures the tower crane mast to a structure or framework and provides stability when the tower crane is under load or experiencing wind forces.

Machinery arm also known as the counter jib, this houses the counterweights and pulleys that balance the crane.

The hook is the main load-bearing component that hauls loads. It is attached to a trolley that allows the hook to raise and lower, as well as move towards and away from the mast.

Telescoping Cage Jacking Cage,Crane Telescoping Cage,Tower Crane Jacking Cage,Climbing Cage,Tower Crane Yoke