Rough hemlock is a member of the genus Huperzium, which is also known as cedarwood. It is the largest species in China. The folk is mainly used for the treatment of cerebral palsy, and its medicinal function is similar to that of Huperzia serrata, and it is speculated that it may have the same effective component Huperzine A as Huperzia serrata. In order to search for alternative plants of Huperzia serrata, to expand the sources of huperzine A, it is necessary to carry out relevant research on rough hemlock. Spore morphology has important implications for plant classification, phylogeny, and formation of active ingredients. In this paper, light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy were used to study the morphology of spores and the formation of sporocysts in R. argyrifera. The origin and formation of the outer wall of R. glauca was discussed. Systematics, palynology and spore reproduction studies provide a reference.
Taxus spp. was captured in Jingxi County of Baise, Guangxi by quantitative air spore traps. It was identified by Prof. Liu Shoucong of Guangxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine as Hedhods of Taxus chinensis. Light microscope observation: The sporangium was peeled off from the plants and washed repeatedly with distilled water. The sporangia were punctured before the water seal was made, spores were scattered on the slides, the sporangia were removed, and the cover glass was covered with an optical microscope. Observe the camera. Scanning electron microscope observation: After the sporangia were washed, they were fixed with 40% glutaraldehyde, rinsed with 0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer, and fixed with 20% citric acid for 1 hour. After rinsing with PBS, the gradient was dehydrated, the isoester of acetate was transited, and the critical point of CO2 was dried. The sporangia were punctured with tweezers and the spores were adhered to the copper table. After gold spraying, the samples were scanned under an electron microscope and photographed and recorded. Twenty spores were selected to measure their polar axis length and equator axis length, and the spore surface ornamentation and fracture morphology were observed. Transmission electron microscope observation: The spores were fixed overnight with 1% citric acid aqueous solution at room temperature in darkness, rinsed with 0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer, and dehydrated stepwise with acetone. Entrapped in the agent, polymerized in an oven, sectioned, stained with lead and uranium and observed with a Hitachi IH-7650 transmission electron microscope.
After observation, it was found that the microscopic features of the spores are composed of 2 to 3 rows of cells, which are thick-walled, with many spores, mostly circular and fan-shaped. The spores were observed by electron microscopy with characteristic spore tetrahedral, radial symmetry, three fissures and protrusions, with a length of 14.29 to 17.14 μm, approximately 5/6 of the spore radius, and a spore size of (10.71 to 12.25)×(18.42 to 19.57) μm. Smooth, apical ornamentation, polar surface is nearly circular, the polar axis is about 10.71 ~ 12.25μm, the equatorial view of the fan or semicircle, equatorial axis length 18.42 ~ 19.57μm; near-polar plate shallow round concave quadrant marks, Small and dense; Far-hole mask holes, hole diameter of about 0.3 ~ 0.5μm, small and uniform, deep concave, smooth outer wall, occasionally see uhrite particles, the number of holes per unit area 20, the middle of a circular area with no or There are fewer holes, the boundaries between holes and four points are obvious, and there are no holes in the radiation area.
The sporocysts of the Hutaceae family can usually be divided into two layers, namely the outer wall of the spore and the inner wall of the spore. This paper studied the morphology of the spores and the layers of the spores of the rough Sagittaria, indicating that the outer wall of the spores of the rough Sagittaria is composed of two layers. The inner wall of the outer wall is thicker and is formed by spheroidal sporopollenin deposition. The outer layer of the outer wall is relatively thin and consists of amorphous sporopollenin.
Taxus spp. was captured in Jingxi County of Baise, Guangxi by quantitative air spore traps. It was identified by Prof. Liu Shoucong of Guangxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine as Hedhods of Taxus chinensis. Light microscope observation: The sporangium was peeled off from the plants and washed repeatedly with distilled water. The sporangia were punctured before the water seal was made, spores were scattered on the slides, the sporangia were removed, and the cover glass was covered with an optical microscope. Observe the camera. Scanning electron microscope observation: After the sporangia were washed, they were fixed with 40% glutaraldehyde, rinsed with 0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer, and fixed with 20% citric acid for 1 hour. After rinsing with PBS, the gradient was dehydrated, the isoester of acetate was transited, and the critical point of CO2 was dried. The sporangia were punctured with tweezers and the spores were adhered to the copper table. After gold spraying, the samples were scanned under an electron microscope and photographed and recorded. Twenty spores were selected to measure their polar axis length and equator axis length, and the spore surface ornamentation and fracture morphology were observed. Transmission electron microscope observation: The spores were fixed overnight with 1% citric acid aqueous solution at room temperature in darkness, rinsed with 0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer, and dehydrated stepwise with acetone. Entrapped in the agent, polymerized in an oven, sectioned, stained with lead and uranium and observed with a Hitachi IH-7650 transmission electron microscope.
After observation, it was found that the microscopic features of the spores are composed of 2 to 3 rows of cells, which are thick-walled, with many spores, mostly circular and fan-shaped. The spores were observed by electron microscopy with characteristic spore tetrahedral, radial symmetry, three fissures and protrusions, with a length of 14.29 to 17.14 μm, approximately 5/6 of the spore radius, and a spore size of (10.71 to 12.25)×(18.42 to 19.57) μm. Smooth, apical ornamentation, polar surface is nearly circular, the polar axis is about 10.71 ~ 12.25μm, the equatorial view of the fan or semicircle, equatorial axis length 18.42 ~ 19.57μm; near-polar plate shallow round concave quadrant marks, Small and dense; Far-hole mask holes, hole diameter of about 0.3 ~ 0.5μm, small and uniform, deep concave, smooth outer wall, occasionally see uhrite particles, the number of holes per unit area 20, the middle of a circular area with no or There are fewer holes, the boundaries between holes and four points are obvious, and there are no holes in the radiation area.
The sporocysts of the Hutaceae family can usually be divided into two layers, namely the outer wall of the spore and the inner wall of the spore. This paper studied the morphology of the spores and the layers of the spores of the rough Sagittaria, indicating that the outer wall of the spores of the rough Sagittaria is composed of two layers. The inner wall of the outer wall is thicker and is formed by spheroidal sporopollenin deposition. The outer layer of the outer wall is relatively thin and consists of amorphous sporopollenin.
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