Moodies Speech Analysis App to Android Edition

Earlier this year, sentiment analysis companies, in addition to verbally publishing an app for iOS devices, allowed you to analyze your own speech (or someone around you) to give you a better idea. Now Android users can do the same. It was announced today that the application can be downloaded for free from the Google Play Store and provide the same version of the iOS version. In other words, it can help give you a better idea of ​​how you walked through the world, or the feeling of others.
The use is very simple, just install it, then click the button to start the hearing application. After 20 seconds, you will get the result of your first analysis. If you continue to speak, it will continue to return the result every 20 seconds until You stop. A total of more than 400 different mood variants were analyzed, and results were returned in 20 individual mood groups. Each analysis result can be read in your leisure time or shared with others if you want.

Nail Fan

High power hot and cold fan, automatic air outlet, high wind force to dry nails, dry both hands Nail Dryer

Finish the nail polish and blow it dry with a Hair Dryer. Is the cold air blowing or hot air blowing?

Answer: cold wind.

Hot air will slow the solidification of nail polish, so as long as you use the cold air of the blower, you can quickly dry nail polish.

Let nail polish dry quickly:

1, put the nail polish on the hand, put it under the tap for a minute, then put it into a cold water pot for a minute. It only takes two minutes. Nail polish will stick to the top and will not fall off.

2, the hair dryer has two functions of hot air and cold wind. We should choose the effect of cold air, blow it for one minute, and nail polish will be dry.

3, manicure quickly and dry, and protect manicure from falling off easily. It will make the nail look even more beautiful.

4, finally, teach you a most primitive way. In the absence of anything, smear nail polish, put your hands in the draught, next to the fans, and so on, all these places can be quickly dried.

Nail Dryer FanEyelash Fan Dryer

Nail Salon Heater,Nail Heater Dryer,Nail Strip Heater,Nail Heater Lamp

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