Determination of Soybean Seedling by Protein Analyzer

Fertility dynamics of leaf protein content measured by protein analyzer was larger at the seedling stage, then decreased, and the flowering of the seedling began to rise, which was close to the seedling level, and the content gradually decreased afterwards. After the scab phase the fastest protein content falls in the leaves. The nitrogen-enriched seedling cotyledons still play a role as well as the root-absorbed nitrogen. Since the vegetation is very small, the leaf nitrogen concentration is very high.

The dry matter was determined by growth analysis method: Each time plots were sampled at 0.5 m2, the upper part of the cotyledonary segments were divided into leaves, stems, pods, and seeds, and the celcius was killed at 105°C for 30 minutes, and then dried at 80°C to constant weight. . The protein, fat content in the grain was measured by a protein analyzer. Protein: Total nitrogen was measured using the Kjeldahl method. The conversion factor between total nitrogen and protein is 6.25. Fat: Soxhlet fat extraction. The determination of yield is to randomly select 4m2 as a sample for measurement in each plot, and the output is averaged and converted into kg/hm-2.

The correlation analysis between protein content in leaves and the yield and quality of soybeans by protein analyzer showed that the nitrogen content in the leaves of the varieties at the same fertility level was positively correlated with the yield and protein content after the flowering stage. The content of N in leaves can reflect the ability of photosynthesis of leaves to a certain extent. The content of nitrogen in leaves was high and the chlorophyll content in leaves increased. At the same time, the activity of enzymes related to photosynthesis increased, and the photosynthetic capacity of leaves was increased.

Dilution of leaf growth and decrease of nitrogen concentration were observed after further expansion was detected by a protein analyzer at the seedling stage. Leaf assimilation storage, which was initially the most potent time for nitrogen absorption by flowering plants, provided a lot of nitrogen nutrition in their flower bud formation. After the stage of senescence and leaf senescence, the protein content in the leaves was reduced.

Molybdenum Dioxide

Molybdenum dioxide (Molybdenum dioxide) is an inorganic compound with the molecular formula MoO₂. Brown-black powder, purple with steel luster [1] . The density is 6.47g/cm3. The metal molybdenum is obtained by co-heating with hydrogen above 500℃. Very slightly soluble in sulfuric acid, nitric acid and silver nitrate. The synthesis methods include hydrogen reduction of molybdenum trioxide and reduction of molybdenum trioxide with metal molybdenum.

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Jiangsu Lucky Metal Materials Co., Ltd. ,